Tag Archives: primavera

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Scheduling interlinked projects with different data dates

One of the problems that occurs frequently in integrated schedules during a reporting cycle is that everyone is using different data dates.

Take for example a contractor, they report to you on your week 1 with their latest schedule. This has a data date of the start of week 1. That’s great, except you closed out at the end of week 4 (just like them) so the work is always 4 weeks behind.

So what’s the problem?

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Importing MS Project files into Primavera

Time and time again I see people trying to import MS project files into Primavera and getting into a palaver over import errors.The first thing I see is “you should use MPP to MPX converter” – this is an executable that has been around at least 10 years to my knowledge and generally seems to fail to convert files that fail to import from XML – my preferred way of importing projects.

So why do these files fail?

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