Monthly Archives: February 2016


Importing MS Project files into Primavera

Time and time again I see people trying to import MS project files into Primavera and getting into a palaver over import errors.The first thing I see is “you should use MPP to MPX converter” – this is an executable that has been around at least 10 years to my knowledge and generally seems to fail to convert files that fail to import from XML – my preferred way of importing projects.

So why do these files fail?

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Welcome to the first post

I don’t think we ever stop learning about the tools we use at work, so this blog is about tools and techniques I discover or get asked about.  I hope to update this at least monthly.

There’s no such thing as a stupid question, so if you want to know or have something explained, I’ll do the best that I can.

If you’d like to contribute by publishing a guest post, please get in touch using the contact form and as long as it’s a relevant planning post I aim to publish it.  I don’t accept money, neither do I pay for such posts.  There is no advertising on the site.